Friday, September 28, 2012

Fall Collects...

A Collect for Autumn
Gracious GOD, the Great Artist of the colorful fall season; who paints our world with the beauty of brilliant leaves and touches our cheeks with fresh and loving cool night breezes; grant us this fall an abundance of your peace, full stock of your bounty and hearts softened by your autumn’s gifts that we freely rejoice in your goodness and sing your praises at each point on Earth.  This we ask in your dear Son’s name, Jesus Christ, our Lord; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, on GOD, forever and ever.  Amen!

A Collect for Those who work the Earth
Heavenly Father, He who first planted a garden in Eden and blessed it with great bounty and pure growth, bless those who farm and work your earth and those employed by such labor so that our tables may be filled by the work of their hands and that they know your peace, your way and your sustenance through all of their seasons.   For all of this we praise you for being our Great Father and Provider; He who blesses us with the gifts of the Earth; in Jesus Holy name.  Amen!